It is advisable to have little or no major changes to your financial situation in and around the time you will be applying for this loan. Try to avoid moving money from one account to another (e.g. if you plan to open a bank account here, wait until after you have applied for the loan). Also, any new debts incurred after the application could cause an approval to be withdrawn.
You can save time if you bring the following items with you:
- W-2 and pay stub (30 days).
- Past two years' pay history for landlord/mortgage company.
- Contract for Sale and legal description.
- Last three months' bank, brokerage, investment, and IRA statements (all accounts).
- All current monthly obligations including credit cards, account numbers, monthly payments and balance forward.
- Loan information on other real estate owned.
- Copy of driver's license or other photo ID (FHA/VA).
- Certificate of Eligibility and DD-214s (VA only).
- Certificate of Eligibility on PRIOR VA loan (HUD-1 if less than 3 years ago).
- Check for credit report and appraisal.
- If self-employed, last two years' tax returns with schedules, year-to-date profit and loss, and balance sheets.
- Social Security Card.
- Divorce decree(s): evidence of receipt of child support/alimony income (e.g. 12 months' bank statements).
- Anything that even looks like it might be useful in verifying income and debt!
If you plan to obtain a VA loan, bring your Certificate of Eligibility, if you have it. If you do not, we can help you get one ahead of time.
If you are about to move, try to pack anything that has to do with your finances into what you are carrying with you.
Be prepared -- almost always, the lender will ask for something you didn't bring!